LTC1562 quad op-amp for building active filters at 10 kHz to 150 kHz.

LTC1562 quad op-amp for building active filters at 10 kHz to 150 kHz.
1 GHz buffer amplifier BUF602.
low noise voltage regulator LT3042
AD8015, 10 kOhm transimpedance 240 MHz bandwidth photodiode amplifier.
20pin SMD connector + cage for SFP transceiver.
ONET1191P, Limiting amplifier for up to 11 Gbps.
THS3491 looks like an interesting op-amp for distribution amplifiers and in general for LF/HF work. However it turns out it is a bit finicky about the feedback resistors (high resistance values are stable but noisy, low values would give low noise but might be unstable). We're sticking with LMH6702 for now..
HMC394 is a 2.2 GHz programmable prescaler (5-bit counter) with divide-ratios from /2 to /32.
DDS with 47-bit tuneable frequency word.