Kangasala Jukola 2019 - 2nd stage

No major mistakes but slow going on the 2nd stage of Jukola this year.

The not-so-dramatic errors were: #2 has a 90-degree wiggle just before the control - my route to #7 was OK but very slow through the green/tick aprts - then no worries until #15 where the 'safe' choice along the road was no good at all - finally a bit of a Z-bend into #17.

Jukola 2018

Jukola this year was in an unusual terrain with lots of holes/sinkholes. Warm weather and very dry with a constant dust-cloud from all the runners all through the course and competition area.

+10 min on #1(130) after passing almost within the control circle, then wondering on what path I ended up, and finally catching up via the drinking-station at #2(37)

Wrong direction out of #2(37) and another +4 min on #3(129). Then quite ok for a while.

Smaller mistakes of 4+2 min on #14(39) and #15(152) where I found other controls not on my map before my own.

Jämsä-Jukola statistics

Here's the distribution of total time for teams in the Jämsä-Jukola relay:

Jukola 2013_fig

Here are the distributions of individual times for the seven legs of the relay.

Jukola 2013, 1st leg, 12.2 km_fig

The histogram from the first leg shows bunching of runners into groups - this is different from all the remaining legs.

Jukola 2013, 2nd leg, 13.0 km_fig Jukola 2013, 3rd leg, 14.4 km_fig
The 2nd and 3rd leg look quite similar. Note how the histograms lean to the left - there are many amateurs of varying ability which contribute to the long tail to the right.

Jukola 2013, 4th leg, 7.8 km_fig Jukola 2013, 5th leg, 7.7 km_fig

The 4th and 5th legs are shorter and faster.

Jukola 2013, 6th leg, 11.7 km_fig Jukola 2013, 7th leg, 15.1 km_fig
The 6th leg is again longer with the final 7th leg being the longest of them all.

Scraping scripts (requires minor modifications to downloaded results html file): jukola_scrape



I ran the second stage (13 km) of the Jukola relay in Jämsä on Sunday.

Clear skies and a more northerly location meant there was much more light during the whole night. Not nearly as pitch-black as I remember in Vantaa last year.

Since there are about 1600 teams competing there will be tracks from 2000 or more runners in the forest when starting the 2nd-stage from about mid-way or worse down the field. This means it's really more trail-running than independent orienteering 🙂 There are tracks to and from each control - you just have to pick the right track among many.


I ran the second stage of the Jukola relay around 1am to 4am on Saturday-Sunday night:

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