
I ran the second stage of the Jukola relay around 1am to 4am on Saturday-Sunday night:

KU-rastit, Böleberget

Last orienteering practice before the Jukola relay. 5k course at Böleberget in Sipoo.

Slightly nervous right at the start on #1, OKish #2, then I probably unnecessarily avoided a green area that was marked slow on the map en route to #3.  Then mostly OK through #7. Going towards #8 there's an extra U-shaped bit which should have been straight. But then on the shortest leg of the course between #9 and #10 I somehow lost it and spent 8 minutes searching for #10. Probably frustrated by that I drifted too much down and right on the way to #11, almost stumbling on #12 instead.

Aluerastit, Mejlans

3k sprint course. The sprint map is 1:5000 scale which caused some confusion directly at the start on #1. Then mostly OK until #14 which I searched for a bit. Total time 32 minutes so getting close to a reasonable pace of 10min/course-km.