The last Monday orienteering event for this year - as autumn arrives it now gets quite dark after 20:00 or so - and 'Iltarastit' moves to Sundays for five more weeks.
Straightforward orienteering and fast running as usual in paloheinä.
#1 and #2 OK. Then to #3 a J-bend (maybe +30 s) instead of using the line between the white and light-green forest as a guide directly to the control.
Reasonable going towards #4 but quite tentative and lots of looking at the map close to the control. #5-#6-#7 OK.
The biggest mistake came on #8 which should have been easy. Slightly the wrong direction south through a bit of forest and towards the bend in the big road. However I arrive at the wrong bend and there's also someone else there who makes the same mistake. +2 minutes probably.
#9 OK along the road, and #10 also OK. On the way to #11 I read the map along the wrong bend in the small river and the big road comes as a surprise, +30 s at least for stopping and map reading here.
To #12 and the Finish I take a direct route, but avoiding some of the climbing would probably have been faster.
Overall 14./52 which is OK.