VD shapes


Note how the Delaunay triangulation (in red) is not correct. The outside of true Delaunay triangulation should form the convex hull of the input points, which is clearly not the case here(see how the red lines around the ellipse-shape are not tangents). What's going wrong? It has to do with how the algorithm avoids infinite or unbounded voronoi-edges. Before any real input generator points are inserted we start with three special generator vertices and the corresponding vd. A zoomed out view is shown below. If the cyan vd edges extending outward from the ellipse would stretch out to infinity then we would indeed recover the true Delaunay triangulation. The Voronoi diagram should however be correct inside the orange circle. I'm not sure how the true Delaunay triangulation could constructed with this algorithm.


VD pics

Some progress on the voronoi-diagram algorithm. It doesn't crash easily now with random or regular input points. Not crashing is good, but whether the output converges towards the correct diagram or not remains to be seen...

Voronoi diagram error

Playing around with the vd-code has highlighted some problems. Using double-precision floating point numbers for coordinates, strange things start to appear when the coordinates are around 1E-6 or so. It's not possible to accurately compute the sign of the in-circle predicate (a 4x4 determinant) and the diagram update should instead be based on topological reasoning.

Delaunay Triangulation

The dual of the Voronoi diagram is the Delaunay triangulation. Here I've modified my earlier VD code to also output the dual (shown in red). If this can be developed further to do constrained Delaunay triangulations (arbitrary pockets with islands) then it will be useful for cutter-location surfaces in opencamlib.

The regular grid is, in the words of the GTS website, "a much more difficult test than it looks".

Lathe work

A 31mm long prototype part with 6mm diameter in one end and 3mm at the other. From an M12 stainless steel threaded rod (the only stainless at hand...)