Update: Molex R/A 'long-neck' SMA-connector:

I sumbitted a few pull-requests to the KiCad libraries with some parts used on recent boards. Let's see if/when they make it into the main/released libraries...
On the to-do list is to submit an SFP-connector and Cage footprint... (unless someone has already done that?).
Abracon ABLNO SMD footprint BNX025 EMI-filter Murata BNX025 EMI-filter LT1963 positive adjustable LDO LT3013 negative adjustable LDO Morion OCXO (sine-wave) Morion OCXO Morion OCXO OCXO OH300 (symbol has a square-wave, but part outputs sine-wave...) Connor-Winfield SMD OCXO "OH300" Abracon ABLNO VCXO (100MHz)