- Control at the nanoscale: Smallness, strangeness and sophistication -
- 13,500 Sing “Hey Jude” in Trafalgar Square -
- Desktop 3-axis parallel kinematic milling machine -
- High rotation speed of single molecular microcrystals in an optical trap with elliptically polarized light -
- 05/04/09 PHD comic: 'Your Computer Desktop' -
Author: admin
ThinkPad T-series Trio
Left: T40, Middle: T60, Right T500. We have a T61 in the lab also but it didn't show up for the family photo. The T60 is mine. Compared to the T40, the only things I miss are the red and blue stripes on the mouse-keys On the T500 there are lots of things that would be nice: Built-in webcam, built-in 3G, FireWire, and a HDMI-port. But there's also a lot of keyboard flex on the T500 compared to the older models.
The T400 would still be a sensible choice if I decide to upgrade (althougn I'm not thrilled by going from a 1400x1050 screen to 1440x900). If I win on the lottery any time soon I'll go with an X301.
Testing an optical force-clamp
Here a DNA-molecule is being stretched between two optically trapped polystyrene micron-sized beads. We're using an FPGA-based real-time controller for steering the upper trap. It's programmed with a PI-loop which aims to keep the force acting on the lower bead constant. Around 10s into the video we switch on the feedback-loop and we see the actual force on the bead rise to the set-point.
4780 m walk
Stretching of 48kb dsDNA
A ~48 000 base-pair long (ca 16 um) piece of DNA is stretched between two optically trapped ca 2 um diameter polystyrene beads. Bright-field real-time view through a 100x microscope. Scale-bar in microns on the right.
Links - May 3, 2009
Links - April 26, 2009
- Thinking with 50,000 Volts of electricity - Twitter combined with Tesla Coil -
- Masters of their Center of Mass -
- Bose-Einstein Condensates, pt. 3 -
- Bose-Einstein Condensates, pt. 2 -
- Bose-Einstein Condensates, pt. 1 -
- A smooth spiral tool path for high speed machining of 2D pockets? -
- The Future Of My Cameras -
- Working with Light -
- Dancing Volvox: Hydrodynamic Bound States of Swimming Algae -
- High-Resolution Probing of Cellular Force Transmission -
- Planet imaging - focusing methods -
A Noux65 from Bangkok
Phanchita Supasirithanawat (www.rcsails.com) from Bangkok Thailand sent me these pictures of a down-scaled Noux design built to the RG65 rules. It's called a Noux65.
There is a video here http://www.rcsails.com/noux65.htm
Mad Max comes to Finland
Riku and Lasse from the Turku-area IOM-fleet are proud new owners of Jeff Byerley designed Mad Max IOMs. These are the very first boats to come out of Mike Clifton's moulds in the UK. Note black main-boom, I hear it's about 10% faster than the standard aluminum-colored one!