The final MDF piece for the plug was milled today.
Author: admin
Links - February 20, 2009
- A Really Cool Messier Object Log -
- Chemistry and Physics Videos -
- Which entry level full frame dSLR camera to buy? -
- Impact factors and Physical Review Letters -
- Defining Science -
- Experimental physics rules to live by? -
- Watch Educational Videos Offline with YouTube -
- On this, the 200th anniversary of Charles Darwin's birth -
- GPeerReview - Is Google Changing Science? -
- New vodcast from Sky At Night Magazine -
- New baby: Baby Q -
Green laser in Berlin
There's a seriously cool green laser on top of a Siemens building in Adlershof in Berlin.
MDF plug pictures
The first half of our Pikanto plug is now milled. The other half will be done next weekend - and then we have a lot of painting and sanding to do before laminating moulds.
Links - February 13, 2009
Milling MDF
More plug milling
The model yacht plug we're making is milled in three stages. First a rough-cut, then a finish-cut which cuts the plug 1 mm undersize. Then it's coated with a thick layer of tooling gelcoat. What you see above is the final milling pass where the gelcoat is cut down to the final shape. This way we're hoping the final plug will require a minimum of painting/sanding before use.
Lester Gilbert has some new Pikanto pictures on his site. Eventually this project will produce boats like that, but with a deck which is simpler to mould, and with a process we hope to streamline as much as possible.
Links - February 6, 2009
- Quality Time - compare to Brownian motion.
- Polar Bear in a Snowstorm Jigsaw Puzzle - when you have nothing else to do...
- APOD - this Finnish astrophotographer has already had two of his photos selected as astronomy picture of the day by NASA!
- Autostitch -
- Six Months Over Bristol - a pinhole photograph exposed for six months!
- Shooting the Shuttle -
- Gigapixel Tokyo -
- Units and order of magnitude estimates. -
- Transportation Fail -
- Winter Driving Fail -
- Bridge Fail -
Milling MDF
Jari is making plugs for our latest IOM-project, and he posted two new videos:
Rough milling:
Finish milling:
The 1000 mm long hull plug will be made from a left and a right half, and each half consists of three parts. This is the first part from the bow to around 300mm.
Links - January 30, 2009
- January 12, 2009: Yes it Can -
- January 30, 2009: Write Right...but don't try. - "The best way to develop a style of writing that is appropriate, is to read as much as possible"
- January 25, 2009: Measuring the ‘kick’ of a photon leaving a fiber! -
- January 30, 2009: Bush finally gets that monument in Iraq! -
- January 29, 2009: Pi, Geometric and Recursive -
- January 28, 2009: Just posted! Canon 50mm F1.8 II lens review -
- January 7, 2009: Stars -
- January 23, 2009: Sumbody to love -
- January 30, 2009: Hyper Surfaces -
- January 30, 2009: adaptive roughing - this open-source CAM effort is making nice progress
- January 30, 2009: ISS Images by Laurent Langelez - our future newtonian is about the same size as the scope used to take these pics. I bet catching and guiding the scope on ISS is pretty hard!
- January 26, 2009: Pictures of Eclipse from Indonesia -
- January 27, 2009: Bisecting a toolpath to tolerance -