The last Iltarastit event for this year. Rain and +12 C.
Author: admin
Saturday Gravel 41km
Kyrkslätt 47km
Teleworking Tuesday..
OPA818 FET-input opamp.
Gumbostrand 40km
Cycling ca 20km east in a headwind, then back west about 10min faster. Warm!
OPA569 high-current (2A) op-amp
Itärastit Stormossen/Spjutsund
Slow pace today due to both tired legs and slow greenish terrain. The controls were grouped into two groups with a slightly boring 'tunnel' run between the areas. OK until #4, but not the greatest direction towards #5, and then after wading through the swamp and green area towards #10 I decided from within the control-circle to go check that the yellow swamp on the right really is there... (#10 was probably the hardest control on this map). Good weather around +18 C.
Firmaliiga 2020/6 Salmi
OK running until #5, after which I probably should have taken the easy road towards #6 and not tried to finesse it through the woods. Then ran past #8 up on the wrong hill and had to back-track.
Itärastit Vuosaari
First Saturday-orienteering in a long time!
A bit of rain and +18C or so. Firmaliiga on Tuesdays has 1:7500 maps on the short courses, so this normal 1:10 000 map now seems small...
Firmaliiga 2020/5 Kattilajärvi
Quite OK orienteering and reasonable speed/rythm until #5 where I was in 10th place, but then lack of fitness led to sloppy execution of the long #5-#6 leg and +10 minutes lost to the best runner and 6 places lost...
Warm and sunny, very dry in the forest.