Here's a test of how to correct the 1PPS signal out of an F9T with the qErr-value from the UBX-TIM-TP message.
When the time-interval-counter is configured with start=reference-clock, stop=uBlox, the qErr is applied with a + sign to the measured time-interval - resulting in much smoother data for averaging times up to tau=1000s.
The AllanTools functions mtotdev() and htotdev() are now almost 10-times faster, after an update to the code that more efficiently calculates moving averages.
The old code used numpy.mean() for each iteration of a loop:
for j in range(0, 6*m): # summation of the 6m terms.
xmean1 = np.mean(xstar[j : j+m])
xmean2 = np.mean(xstar[j+m : j+2*m])
xmean3 = np.mean(xstar[j+2*m : j+3*m])
However this can be computed much faster by noticing that the new mean differs from the old (already computed!) mean by just two points, one at the start is dropped, and a new one at the end is added:
for j in range(0, 6*m): # summation of the 6m terms.
if j == 0:
# intialize the sum
xmean1 = np.sum( xstar[0:m] )
xmean2 = np.sum( xstar[m:2*m] )
xmean3 = np.sum( xstar[2*m:3*m] )
# j>=1, subtract old point, add new point
xmean1 = xmean1 - xstar[j-1] + xstar[j+m-1] #
xmean2 = xmean2 - xstar[m+j-1] + xstar[j+2*m-1] #
xmean3 = xmean3 - xstar[2*m+j-1] + xstar[j+3*m-1] #
We started trapping in this 2nd-generation VTT MIKES ion trap in early May and we are now working with characterizing the trap and laser cooling. Hopefully the ion stays in the trap for several days!
In both cases the output frequency corresponds to an even frequency tuning word (FTW) although we step the frequency by one LSB. In other words the LSB appears to be zero in all cases, even when we write an odd FTW with '1' as the LSB. Instead of the expected 3.55 uHz frequency resolution we see double-sized steps of 7.1 uHz.
The Urukul measurement was done with a Microsemi 3120A phase-meter and the dev-board was measured using a PICDIV 1PPS-divider followed by a Keysight 53230A time interval counter. The even FTW frequencies agree with the predicted frequency to much better than 0.1 uHz.