Jakob halvmaraton

Without much training and without any time goal I participated in the Jakob half-marathon.

Up to 10 km things went smoothly. Then the steady uphill towards 11 km felt quite tough, although I sort of kept up the pace until about 14 km. From there it was a fight with a bit of walking now and then... The steady slow-down towards the finish shows in my 5k splits: 26:23, 27:25, 28:51, and 30:16. For comparison in 2012 on this course my 5k splits were: 23:47, 24:17, 24:20, and 24:09 - very steady and not slowing towards the end.

Here's a chart with the min/km times from the half-marathons I've run.


Next year I must remember to do one or two 90-120 minute training runs per month and things will go much smoother...

Itärastit Paloheinä

Last itärastit event for this spring. See you again in August.

Probably also last orienteering practice before Louna-Jukola next weekend.


#2 found the correct ditch but passed close by the flag before turning around to find it. +2 min.

#9 ran too far along the road and passed close to #4 before turning towards the control.

#15 nothing much wrong but still a bad split. straighter through the green apparently is faster.

Firmaliiga Luukki

Ran past #1 to the bigger road. +90s at least.

Too carefully towards #5, also drifting too much east, and then across the road at the wrong place. +2min maybe.

#7-#8 was first steeply downhill, then over the road, and steeply uphill. Didn't hit the right spot on the uphill and this is the worst split by far.

Firmaliiga returns in August with three more events.

