Category: Uncategorized
Tattarisuo racing
Red Red Light
Previously only seen in Oslo, but now also in Helsinki: two red men are better than one!
Warning! Yes! No!
a good servant but a bad master?
Seen on the bus today:
Yep, that's a GPS-screen top left. No need for the driver to know left from right, where the bus is, the route, or think much anything any more.
Back in the Good Old Days if you took a taxi the driver was actually supposed to know where you were going. Not so any more, especially at the airport. Given an address, the driver will probably not know which city or suburb to go to. After you write down your address on a piece of paper (been there, done that), since the driver speaks neither of our domestic languages, the journey proceeds exactly along the GPS trail. If they do the same with buses, install satellite-navigation everywhere, will it be good or bad?
How long before someone drives a bus into the water or off a cliff?
It is not very often you see this kind of snow-plower-winter-tram!
7k walk from Kumpula to downtown. Google earth inserts a golf-playing green man at every kilometer.
A documentary, "Dreamland", about Iceland was on TV this week. It's a strange mix of wonderful Icelandic landscapes combined with Capitalism with a capital "C".
Check it out on YLE Areena now: (it's available 30 days from now, probably to Finnish IPs only)
Merry Christmas!
and Brandy...