Continuing with some random thoughts on CAM algorithms, here's a diagram I drew in response to a question on offset ellipses posed by Julian Todd.
(click image for high-resolution version)
The task is to find an offset ellipse to a given ellipse (magenta). The offset ellipse (blue) should lie a distance T, measured along the normal to the ellipse (I've drawn one normal of length T in green), from the original ellipse. Drawing the offset ellipse is simple, but it's a bit harder to find a point on the offset for a given x-coordinate x=k. I've marked this point with a circle, and its coordinates are (k, E(k)), so E(k) is a function that returns the sought y-coordinate.
I took Julian's advice of using a numerical method with respect to the geometry (not neccessarily cartesian coordinates), and parametrized the ellipse as a function of an angle t. So points along the ellipse lie at:
Where a and b are the major and minor axes of the ellipse, and t is an angle between 0 and 2pi. At every point there's a normal vector
nx = b*cos(t)
ny = a*sin(t)
To find points on the sought offset ellipse, we need to scale this normal so it's length is T. Each normal has a length
l=sqrt(nx^2 + ny^2)
So the sought normal vector is
nx_T = (nx/l)*T
ny_T = (ny/l)*T
or more explicitly
nx_T = ( b*cos(t) / sqrt((b*cos(t) )^2 + (a*sin(t))^2) ) * T
ny_T = ( a*sin(t) / sqrt((b*cos(t) )^2 + (a*sin(t))^2) ) * T
Now, points on the offset ellipse lie at
oe_x = ex + nx_T
oe_y = ey + ny_T
and we need to find the particular t angle which results in a point (oe_x, oe_y) for which oe_x = k holds. Inserting the above expressions, this happens when:
(a+T*b/sqrt( ( b*cost(t) )^2 + ( a*sin(t) )^2 ))*cos(t) -k = 0
I haven't looked for an analytic solution to this equation, but plotting it for a few test cases seems to indicate that it's fairly 'benign', and Matlab's fzero function finds a solution very quickly. If we call the solution to this equation tk, the sought point on the offset ellipse is
E(k) = oe_y(tk)
Here are two Matlab scripts I used to plot this figure: ellipsetest.m is the main program, and oe.m is used when solving the equation.