Someone better than me at astro-photo processing took my M31 RAW-data and processed it into this much better looking picture:
Anyone know any good astrophoto-processing tutorials? For GIMP?
A stack of four 10 minute exposures at iso400 through a 200 mm F5.6 lens. I really need to get a handle on processing these RAW frames for best results...
Autoguiding now seems to work quite well, here's a comparison between 10 min frames with guiding on/off:
More exposure is better, this one has about 40 min in total, previous attempts had only about 12 min and 8 min.
The Andromeda galaxy shot with a Canon 20D using a 70-200/4L lens set to 126mm and F/5.6. A stack of 17 frames at iso800, each exposed for 30 secods (total exposure 17x30s = 8.5 min). Unguided EQ-6 mount. A hint of M31's smaller companions M32 and M110 is visible.
A single 8 minute iso800 exposure of Cassiopeia through a Canon 17-40/4L lens at 17mm and F/5.6. The Andromeda galaxy (M31) is visible at the bottom center.
From the same night as my earlier Cygnus photo. This one is not as good with some light pollution or dew-problems at the left. The red artifact in the lower right corner is the same amplifier noise that's visible in the cygnus photo. My home-made lens hood causes vignetting.